Mitsubishi Electric engages employees in environmental rehabilitation and conservation. Continuing the goodness to the end of the year.
Mitsubishi Electric Kang Yong Watana Co., Ltd. continues the project "The Giver", an activity that delivers benefits to society, communities and environment. Recently, Mr. Shinji Kamiya, Managing Director, along with the management team and over 500 employees of Mitsubishi Electric Kang Yong Watana Co., Ltd worked together to make artificial salt lick in the area of Khao Yai National Park to be a food source for wild animals, weed to push the new sprouts up and pick up garbage to preserve the beauty of nature. In addition, the company also donated Mitsubishi Electric products and essential items to support the mission of Khao Yai National Park. Mr. Chaiya Huayhongtong, the head of Khao Yai National Park was an assignee for receiving the donated products.